Here’s Why Your Cat Runs Out of the Litter Box

Most cats take to their litter boxes instantly. But there are situations where your cat avoids her litter box, and it may point to health problems.

Cat-astrophe: Common Bad Behavior Issues And How To Fix Them

Bad kitty! Unwanted habits can be tough to break, but here are a few ways you can correct your cat’s naughty ways. Even though every feline is unique,…

Best Hairball Control Products for Cats

EWWWWWW, gross - a hairball! Don't you wish you could get rid of them? If you're sick of them, try one of these best hairball control products for cats.

Best Cat Tents

When shopping for new products for your feline companion, you have a lot of options to choose from. But have you ever thought about getting your fur baby a little tent that she can use every day?

Luna and Oliver Top Most Popular Cat Names of 2016

Finding the right name for your ferocious feline is tough. To make finding the purr-fect moniker a bit easier, check out 2016's most popular cat names.

Busy Dublin Vet Clinic Seeks Experienced Cat Cuddler

Wanted: Experienced Cat Cuddler for busy vet clinic in Dublin, Ireland. Must speak fluent purr, have an advanced degree in petting, and possess a warm lap.

Get Back to Nature With the Eco Cat Furniture Kickstarter

Who says style, environmental consciousness, and kitty love can't coexist? Fashionable and functional come together in the Eco Cat Furniture line.

Fix Felines by Five: Preventing Whoops Litters

How do you stop "oops litters" from happening? You get your cat spayed or neutered sooner - that's what Feline Fix by Five Months program is all about.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Our cats live the good life - they sleep until they're ready to eat or demand your attention. But why do cats sleep much of their day away?

How To Administer Medications To Your Cat

Have you ever tried to give a cat medicine? Here’s how to do it safely and effectively. No one ever said that giving a cat medication would be easy, bu…

9 Bizarre Things Cats Love to Lick

Let's just say it out loud: Cats can be weird. Like, really weird. Just look at some of the bizarre things they love to lick. Must be the catnip...

One Family’s Pair of Cats Breaks Two Times the World Records

The 2018 Guinness Book of World Records is out, and features a pair of 'sibling cats' from Michigan who take reign as double record holders!

Ginger Cat Puts His Own Spin On Famous Artwork

Russian artist Svetlana Petrova’s ‘artwork’ showcases the talent of a very fat Ginger cat, as she uses Photoshop to edit him into some of t…

Study: Exposure to Cats Can Reduce Childhood Asthma Rates

Another reason to get a cat! New research suggests that a cat in the house around newborns can help prevent children from developing asthma.

Cats on Laps Shelter Animals Bring Senior Citizens Special Love

An animal shelter in Bangor, Maine is using adoptable cats to bring lots of furry love to seniors who aren't able to have pets of their own.

Cat Settles in For a Silent Night in NY Nativity Scene Manger

During the holiday season, it's not unusual to see Nativity scenes. But in one New York neighborhood, passers-by came across a most unique Cativity setup!

7 Common Cat Health Problems

Even healthy cats can come down with an illness. These are the most common cat health problems pet parents should know about.

TNR: What is It And How Does It Help Feral Cats?

What can we do to help the lives of stray cats? Trap, neuter, release (TNR): A program designed to reduce the number of feral cats living on the streets.

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

Help PawsLikeMe Find Homes For Rescued Cats

PawsLikeMe, the match-making website that pairs people with adoptable dogs, needs your help to introduce cats into the mix.

Survey Says Pet Parents Celebrate Their Pets More Than Ever

According to the results of a new study from Mars Petcare US, pet parents celebrate their furbabies with paw-tastic parties.

Study: Cats Don’t Cause Mental Health Issues

According to research, a common parasite carried by cats and left in litter boxes isn't responsible for causing mental health issues in unborn children.

How to Clicker Train Your Cat

You've heard about clicker training for dogs, but did you know that it's used to train cats? Here are some tips if you're going to clicker train your cat.

Hypoallergenic Cats – Do They Really Exist?

Tired of sniffling and sneezing, but love cats? You've heard rumors about hypoallergenic cats... but are these types of kitties fact or fiction?

Smooches and Hugs for Kitty: A Good Idea?

When it comes to loving, does your cat let you hug and kiss her? Some people think it's fine, while others keep their affection to themselves.

Why Do Cats Knead?

She won't lie down until the blanket or her bed is just right! What are their actual intentions? Have you ever wondered: why do cats kneed?

Me-Om: Do Yoga, Adopt Cats

Cats have the right idea when they stretch out their bodies. Why not join them for a class of Me-Om - a yoga class with adoptable cats!

Cat or Dog? Only His Groomer Knows For Sure.

Is he a dog or is he a cat? Only his groomer knows for sure... which is a good thing, because his groomer happens to be his mom.

Is Your Cat Losing Teeth? Here’s Why

Should you be alarmed if you cat is losing teeth? Let's talk about why this happens and what you should do.

How To Prepare Your Home For A New Kitten

That adorable ball of fur needs more than just "Ohhhhs" and "Ahhhhs" to be happy. Here's what you need to take care of before your new kitten arrives home.

Nanny Rats and Orphaned Cats Break Ages-Old Stereotypes

A New York cat rescue is breaking species stereotypes by 'employing' the most unlikely of nannies for their tiniest kittens.

Why Are Cats So Protective of Their Bellies?

Have you ever rubbed a cat's belly? Chances are, that if you ever tried, you got a hiss and a paw full of claws for you troubles.

How to Make a Cat Poop When Constipated

When your cat's all bunged up, what do you do to unplug the blockage? Here's how to make a cat poop when constipated.

Top 4 Most Common Cat Allergies

Bless you, kitty! Cat allergies can mean more than sneezing and coughing. Here's what could be causing your feline's adverse reactions and what you can do.

The Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet For Cats

Are you thinking of going raw? Here are a few things you need to know before making the switch. When it comes to feline nutrition, there are a lot of debates…

Experts Reveal Why Cats Love Drinking From the Sink

There are a few reasons why cats might prefer water from the sink to one in the bowl, but the most likely cause lies in the way felines evolved.

Best Dry Cat Food

Dry cat food has to be healthy and nutritious for your pet and tasty enough to make sure your kitty has an appetite for it.

Top 10 Meanest Cat Breeds

It's not just a cliché - some cats are meaner than others. Stay on the good side of any of the kitties on our top 10 meanest cat breeds.

PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountain

Designed to not only rehydrate your smaller pet but actually entice him to drink more water throughout the day, the PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountai…

Senior Cat Care Tips: The Basics

As your kitty gets older, you might notice some changes in behavior, weight, and overall health. Here are some of the simple things you can do to help an older cat feel comfortable, safe, and happy.

CBD Oil for Cats: A Holistic Option

The benefits of CBD oil go beyond just for humans. In fact, CBD oil for cats is a popular holistic option for a range of ailments.

What Is Megaesophagus in Cats?

A big word and a big problem. What is megaesophagus in cats, what are this disorder's causes and how do you treat it? Read on to find out.

Cat Nerds Rejoice! CatConLA is Back and More Cat-tastic Than Ever

If being around hundreds of cats and their kitty-obsessed parents sounds like a dream come true, head on over to CatConLA for two days of purrfection.

How to Keep Your Cat Safe When Traveling by Car

Have cat, will travel. It’s a lot easier to travel with your cat by car. Make sure the journey is a safe one with these cat-friendly car tips. Are you…

Top 10 Best Cat Condos

A kitty needs a condo to call her own. Great for climbing, sleeping and playing on, here are our picks for the top 10 best cat condos.�

Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Automatic cat feeders are heaven-sent for busy pet owners, picky pets, and cats that are on a special diet. These are the best 10 the market has to offer.

Products That Help Keep Your Senior Cat Happy

Senior cats really don’t ask for much. You can keep them happy with the same essentials that kitties of all ages want and need: good food, fresh water, a clean litter box, beds, scratchers, and toys.

SuperZoo 2016 Day 2: KATRIS Lynks Modular Cat Scratchers

The claws came out at SuperZoo when KATRIS unveiled its Lynks Modular Cat Scratchers. These cat scratchers are the cat's meow!

Researchers Discover Virus Related To Hepatitis B In Cats

Researchers have found hepadnavirus in cats, and say that the virus, which belongs in the hepatitis B family, can help learn more about hepatitis in humans.

Top 10 Self-Cleaning Kitty Litter Boxes

Want to make poop scooping business as hands-free as possible? Check out our list of top 10 self-cleaning kitty litter boxes to find a type that will suit you and your feline friend.

4 Addictive YouTube Channels for Cat Lovers

YouTube was made for cats! If you're looking to be entertained or want to learn more about kitties, subscribe to these four addictive YouTube Channels.

Cats Are On The Prowl In The UK, But Fish Take Title As Most Popular P

In the United Kingdom, new research shows that the number of pet cats is on the rise, and that more men are adopting cats than ever before!

How Much Playtime Does My Cat Need?

Without adequate mental and physical stimulation, cats can become bored, stressed, and even develop behavioral issues. This is why playtime is not “just” a matter of playing for felines. It meets their most basic needs and it's an essential component of their overall well-being.

Clairvoyant Cat Predicts World Cup Champs (So Place Your Bets!)

This year’s World Cup is upon us, and while teams are warming up, a deaf cat named Achilles already knows the outcome. Achilles the white cat is deaf a…

Costumed Kitties Pay Homage to Taylor Swift and Sparks Fly!

Meet Fan Girl Jessica, who dresses her cat up to match Taylor Swift in honor of her new album, "Reputation," being released in November!

Could This Be the Secret to Why Cats Knock Stuff Over?

A feline researcher revealed the reason why cats have the strong urge to knock over your belongings- and it makes perfect sense.

Cat Man Of Aleppo Saves The Cats Of War

War takes its toll on all the citizens of the land–including its animals. In Rebel-held Northern Syria, a man deemed the Cat Man of Aleppo saves the ca…

Michigan Town Elects Sweet Tart The Cat To Run Kitty Hall

A small northern Michigan town has decided that they’ve had enough with the human politicians and are letting cats, dogs, goats and even chickens have…

Is There Such a Thing as Therapy Cats?

It's hard to believe, but it's true. There are therapy cats, but not all felines are up for the job. Does your cat have what it takes?

“Giving Shelter” Art Exhibit Combines Creativity and Condos for Ho

Architects for Animals displayed its acclaimed 'Giving Shelter' exhibit recently, displaying unique outdoor dwellings for homeless cats.