Joined in Meowtrimony: Woman Marries Her Cat to Prevent Eviction

In an effort to prevent future landlord(s) from imposing no-pets-allowed lease conditions when renting, Deborah Hodge, aged 49 from Sidcup, United Kingdom, married her cat India.

Man Fakes Death, Cat Overcome by Mehs [Videos]

Most cats seem to have no f#$%s to give when it comes to emotion for their humans. But one man set out to prove that his death wouldn't bother his cat.

Man Builds Amazing Cat Creations From Cardboard

There are few lengths most pet owners would go to in order to make their pets. One man hits that out of the park with creative cat houses made of cardboard.

Cool Kickstarter Makes Humans Useless To Cats

When you're away from home, are you worried that your cat is okay? A cool Kitty Kickstarter will give you some peace of mind when you can't be together!

Tulsa Cat Brings In Cash For Local Homeless

A rescue cat in Oklahoma is giving his fellow homeless (humans) a helping paw by raising money being the most adorable kitteh ever.

Best Cat Door

Cat doors give your cat the freedom and the independence they crave without compromising on the convenience- they can come and go as they please.

Grammy-Winning Violinist Shows Cool Cats Love Classical Music [Video]

A Grammy-winning violinist's consideration of strays along an animated street has music fans all over the world seeing the street kitties in a new light.

How to Train Your Cat to Sit in a Stroller

There are many benefits to taking your cat outside in a stroller. Your pet can enjoy the sunshine, take in the fresh air and interesting smells, and see some wildlife—and you won’t have to worry about her running off.

Shelter’s “Kitty Bjorn” Gives Feral Cats Much Needed Comfort

Feral kittens in Boston are taking 'babywearing' to a whole new level, as they're toted ar0und in the cutest kitten carriers we've ever seen!

How To Train A Cat To Walk On A Leash

Did you know that dogs aren't the only pets that like to take a stroll with their humans? We're going to teach you how to train a cat to walk on a leash!

Ask the Animal Communicator: My Indoor Cat Wants To Go Outside

From the outside looking in, the life of your pampered indoor cat might look so sublime. But from the inside looking out, you may find yourself wondering i…

Valerian for Cats: A Safe Alternative to Catnip

If your cat likes to get high (legally, of course) and catnip does nothing for him, there are alternatives. Try valerian for cats - it's safe and natural!

Pawsitively Awesome Back-To-School Supplies

A new year of school is about to begin, so it's time for back-to-school shopping. Ensure you snag a spot with the in-crowd with pet-related school supplies.

PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box

What if there was a product that took over the duty of picking up after your cat? Let the PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box do all the work for you.

Can Cats Eat Apples?

A crisp, sweet treat, chowing down on an apple is a nutritious way to satisfy your hunger. But can cats eat apples?

Persian Puss’s Amazing Transformation Will Make You Smile [Video]

Move over, Grumpy Cat! There's a new sour-looking puss in town... and his unbelievable transformation will make your heart happy!

Keep An Eye On Your Cat’s Feeding Habits With Cutting-Edge Bistro

The world’s smartest cat feeder proves there’s no such thing as TMI Worried that your kitty isn’t getting enough to eat during the day? Wis…

Cleaning Cat Teeth: A Guide to Dental Care for Cats

You need to take steps each day to be certain your cat's mouth is healthy. Here's a quick guide on how to keep those cat teeth clean and healthy!

Researchers Developed A Cat Brush That Looks and Works Like a Feline T

After analyzing the unique structure of the feline tongue, scientists used it as an inspiration to create a revolutionary hair brush for cats.

Kitten Fostering FAQs

If you love kittens (who doesn't), you may want to think about fostering. Got kitten fostering questions? We've got the answers!

Do Cats Snore?

Cats are known for napping, and sure do look cute while doing it. Do cats snore while chasing mice and yarn in their sleep?

Kittens And Cocktails: Pairing 2 Awesome Essentials For 2 Great Causes

Don your top hat and tails for a great cause! Oakland's Cat Town Cafe celebrates Adopt-A Cat Month with special fundraising event and cat swag giveaway.

US Company Launches Mouse Meat Cat Food for Finicky Felines

Going back to the “roots”, a US company led by a previous pet store owner turned entrepreneur, Tom Radcliffe, opted for creating a pet food formula that contains mice, the “original” feline fave.

The Claws Are Out as England Battles Russia for "World's Best Cat"

Not since the days of Vader and Luke has such rivalry been seen! At the LondonCats show, two top national kitty contenders battled for the title of “World’s…

Is This the Dream Job of Every Cat Lover? Feline Sanctuary’s Job Ad

The feline loving-couple behind the God's Little People Cat Rescue never dreamed that they'll have over 35,000 applications from more than 83 countries.

Planty Covers Keep Nosy Cats Out Of Planters

Does your cat fancy himself to have a "green paw," digging up planters and making a dirty mess? Keep him out of your plant pots with colorful Planty Covers.

What Is Feline Leukemia?

Are you worried about feline leukemia and how it can affect your cat? Here's what pet parents need to know about the deadly virus and what to expect.

Best Cat Litter Mats

Take a look at our comprehensive list buying guide on best cat litter mats to find one that will eliminate litter tracking- for good.

Meet Willow, an Aussie Cat Living Her Best Van Life

After selling everything he owns, Willow's dad remodeled a van into a tiny home on wheels. Since then, the duo has been traveling all around Australia.

Top 10 Clever Cat Costumes

While it may be difficult to convince your kitty to get into one of these getups, you'll reap the rewards once they strut their stuff on Halloween.

CFHS Is Out To Prove That Real Men Love Cats

Which month are you? CGHS looking for real-life men and their cats for the 2016 Cats & Bros calendar Not since the Village People parodied gender typecasti…

Kitten Season is in Full Swing, and That’s Bad News for Shelters

Petco reveals stunning results about the Kitten Season burden on local animal shelters and their initiative to encourage pet adoption.

Kitten Cuddlers Needed – Dream Job for Feline Lovers

In addition to being a noble act, this could also be a chance for people in need to unwind and relax as well. For those who have been feeling stressed and depressed lately, cuddling with kittens could be a very potent remedy.

Why Playtime Is So Important For Your Cat

Reasons why you need to schedule a play date with your cat every day A lot of people think that cats are independent and don’t really require a lot of…

Brother One-Ups His Twin’s Baby Photo With His Kitty Interpretations

Finding the right birthday gift can be hard. But we think this brother nailed it, when he recreated his sister's Instagram photos in the most unique way!

Frozen Cat Revived and Lucky To Live Eight Remaining Lives

A very lucky kitty has turned in one of its nine lives after being frozen, rescued and brought back to life and warmth thanks to the care of an animal hospit…

Lime Crime’s Kitty Bundles Lipstick is Purr-fection!

Lime Crime's purrrrfect new product line, Kitty Bundles, might be made for humans, but proceeds from this lipstick go to support cats in need!

Why You Should Make Your Cat Work for Her Food

Your cat has everything she needs, served right to her - what a life. But making your cat work for her food is actually a good thing!

Swine Flu Kills Two Connecticut Cats

A Connecticut veterinarian is warning residents about the possibility their cats could contract the swine flu, after two cats died from the virus.

International Cat Association Adds Lykoi Breed to Its Roster

The International Cat Association has announced they've recognized a new breed, the Lykoi cat, and they're definitely crying, "Wolf!"

Best Cat Dewormers

Does your cat have worms or parasites? Gross! Get rid of them with one of our picks for best cat dewormers.�

Best Cat Backpacks

Are you in search of a cat carrier that you can wear as a backpack to make it easy to transport your pet or head off on a fun adventure in the great outdoors together? Well, there are a lot of these products on the market today, so you can select the one that will fit all your needs while also giving your frisky feline a comfortable place where she will feel safe and secure until you reach your destination.

Show Off Cat Lady Pride With Feline-Themed Embroidery Patterns

The feline-tastic book that will make your summer contains hundreds of cat motifs and easy-to-follow instructions on how to stitch them yourself.

Help Celebrate National #FeralCatDay On October 16 With Jackson Galaxy

We can probably all agree on the importance of spaying and neutering our pets, but what about the ones that don’t have a home? October 16 is National F…

Funny Cat Quirks and Habits That Might Surprise You

As you get to know cats, you may realize that they have quite a few interesting habits. And there may be instances in which you wonder why your kitty is acting a certain way.

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

What Makes a Great Cat Tree?

No household is complete without a cat tree. This isn't just a toy - a great cat tree offers you cat a place to perch, a place to hide, and a place to play!

Top 5 Reasons To Raise An Indoor Cat

Do you know what's waiting for your kitty outside? The best way to keep your kitty safe is to raise him as an indoor cat - here are just a few reasons why.

Vomiting in Cats: When to Worry

Yes, it's a gross topic, but it's an important one to talk about. Let's go over vomiting in cats and when you should be worried.

How to Teach Your Kids to Care for Their Cat

Having a pet offers a multitude of benefits for children. Teach your kids how to care for their cat properly to ensure a loving relationship.

These Voyagers Live on the Road With 5 Cats and Love Every Minute of I

Hayden and Aaron Hall are known as the Vegan Voyagers, and they’ve acquired quite the following on social media. After selling everything they owned, t…

Petlinks Meowy Catmas Photo Contest

Deck the halls with jolly, captivating cat toys! Enter to win one of three Petlinks Cat-themed Gift Baskets for your fa-la-la-la feline!

ASPCA Partners With Maddie’s Fund to Support the “Million Cat Chal

It may be a big number, but saving the lives of one million cats is possible - and you can help. The ASPCA has a plan that will save lives!

Cat Plays “Where’s Kitty?” In Viral Twitter Image

A viral Twitter image of a hidden cat has driven the Internet crazy wondering, “Where’s the kitty?” Can you find it? Twitter user Michael…

Best Cat Products That’ll Keep Your Kitty Occupied For Hours

With so many products on the market designed to keep your cat happy, you can rest assured that your friend will never get bored, even when you aren't home.

How to Solve the 7 Most Common Kitty Litter Problems

From peeing in miscellaneous places to suddenly refusing to use the litter box: here's what your cat is trying to tell you.

Box Kitty Wants Your Cat To Feel Like Royalty

When boring cat trees just don't entertain your cat, create a feline fortress worthy of a king or queen. There's nothing you can't make with Box Kitty!

Best Cat Ball Toys

Cats can go bouncy for balls! If your feline can't get enough of them, here is our list of the best cat ball toys.

Spy on Your Cat With the Cat2See Camera

Hey there 007. Need to keep a close eye on your cat burglar? The Cat2See Kit has your back with the latest in feline espionage equipment!

Paralysis in Cats: Causes and Treatments

Paralysis is defined as the loss of feeling and muscle movement anywhere in the body. Cats can be diagnosed with partial or complete paralysis.