Best Dog Supplement for Shedding

To help you find the right supplement for your pooch, we’ve rounded the best dog supplements for shedding on the market. From liquids to soft chews and softgels, there’s the right supplement for your dog on our list!

Top 10 Natural Supplements For Dogs

We all want our precious pooches to be as healthy as they can be. Adding supplements to your dog’s diet can be extremely beneficial to their health. Some sup…

Ending Pet Obesity: How You Can Help

Keeping your pet fit and at an optimal weight is essential for their overall wellbeing. Here's what you can do to combat pet obesity.

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

A sweet treat on a hot treat - everyone loves ice cream. But should you be sharing your cone with your furry BFF? Read on to find out.

All About Cavities in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Just like us, dogs can develop common tooth decay problems. Let's talk about cavities in dogs and how to prevent your dog from getting them.

Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe

Who doesn’t love soft and chewy cookies? Our senior dogs do, which is why we made this Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe.

All About Bowel Obstruction in Dogs

We don't like to think about our dog's pooping, but you should take notice. This is especially important when it comes to bowel obstruction in dogs.

What Information Does Your Dog’s New Veterinarian Need?

If you want to make sure your first trip to a new vet goes smoothly, you'll need to update the doc on all your dog's vital stats and background.

Best Dog Probiotics for Better Digestion

Dog probiotics make sure your pet's gut is healthy and their immune system supported. Find out what are all of the benefits- and which probiotic to choose!

Molasses and Pumpkin Dog Treats Recipe

When Oscar has tummy troubles, a little pumpkin puree goes a long way. When I found a Molasses and Pumpkin Dog Treats Recipe, I had to put it to the test.

8 Sure-Fire Dog Constipation Home Remedies

At some point in his life, your dog will get constipated. But as a pet parent, there are some home remedies you can try to help with dog constipation.

Top 5 Reasons To Go For An Autumn Hike With Your Dog

Avid outdoorsman Kevin Roberts doesn’t like to be shut indoors… especially at this time of the year. He and his pack take advantage of the milde…

How to Quickly Cool Your Dog Down

Like every other mammal, dogs can overheat. When your dog heats up, you need to act quickly to cool him down. Don’t panic, here’s how to do it

Bravo Recalls Select Pet Foods Due To Possible Salmonella Risk

Bravo is recalling select lots of Bravo Turkey and Chicken pet foods for dogs and cats because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Sa…

2-Ingredient Blueberry Pupsicle Dog Treat Recipe

Summer is the time for vacations - and you need a break from the kitchen. With this 2-Ingredient Blueberry Pupsicle Dog Treat Recipe, just mix and freeze!

How To Make A Dog Throw Up

If your dog ingests something dangerous, you may need to induce vomiting to get the poison or toxin out of his system. Here's how to make a dog throw up.

Study: Canine Cancers Linked To Common Lawn Chemicals

Alarming research links canine malignant lymphoma (CML) with lawn pesticides, and has may have implications to the impact of chemicals on humans as well.

Dog Sprayed By Skunk? Here’s What To Do!

Gotta love that dog sprayed by skunk odor… well, maybe not so much! If it happens to your dog, forget the tomato juice and follow our tips to get that stink out!

Furry Fitness: Fuzzy Buns Of Steel

Kevin Roberts and his pack feel the burn as they take on their first human/canine fitness class. Today is gym day with the dogs – our first actual clas…

Snake Bites in Dogs: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

When dogs get nosy, it can lead to trouble - especially with snakes! Here's what you need to know about how to treat snake bites in dogs.

What is Pythiosis in Dogs?

Most dogs love to swim. But there are hidden dangers in the water, in the form of microscopic spores called pythiosis, that can harm your pooch.

Devilish Pumpkin And Apple Dog Treat Recipe

Feeling a bit naughty? Is your dog a little devil? Sometimes you have to let loose and let your inner devil come out... in the way of homemade dog treats!

Is Ice Water Really Dangerous for Dogs?

Ice water for dogs? Is that even safe for them? Let’s separate fact from fiction and get to the cold, ice hard truth!You probably already know that there are…

Beef Pupcake Dog Food Recipe

In the introduction of my recipes, I usually write about what I like best about the dish I just made or about an ingredient that stands out. But this time, I…

8 Scratchy Tips About Ticks

In order to defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy. And for your dog, that means you need to be an expert about all things tick related.

New Generations of Pet Owners Are Ditching Cheap Pet Food Brands for P

Millenial pet parents are re-thinking what a healthy diet means for their cats and dogs- and putting major pet food brands out of business in the process.

7 Types of Cancer in Dogs

There's more than one type of cancer that can affect your dog. Let's talk about the seven most common types of cancer that a dog can suffer from.

How To Use a Dog Food Calculator

Did you know that you can calculate the amount of calories your dog eats per meal? Regulate your dog's caloric intake carefully with a dog food calculator.

Best Dog Dewormers

Dog dewormers keep your pet free of dangerous internal parasites- and make sure they are not at risk for serious health issues.

What Supplements Help Relieve Arthritis In Dogs?

Getting older means dealing with new aches and pains. Just like humans, arthritis in dogs can cause discomfort and reduced mobility. Can supplements help?

This Smart Collar Could Be Warning You About Dog’s Seizures Via App

In addition to alerts, the smart collar will provide you with a seizure history, which helps your vet determine the best course of treatment.

Wild Wheat Dog Treat Recipe

A double dose of wheat goodness - whole wheat flour and wheat bran. Our Wild Wheat Dog Treat Recipe also includes cornmeal, peanut butter and chicken broth.

Cranberry Pumpkin Christmas Dog Treat Recipe

I love the holidays – everything about them fills me with merriment and feelings of fa la la. I especially love baking, because the house smells so won…

Golden Goodness Dog Treat Recipe

We called it the Golden Goodness Dog Treat Recipe because there are a lot of gold ingredients: whole wheat flour, wheat bran, honey and rolled oats.

A Short Guide to Eye Diseases in Dogs

Vision loss can affects dog breeds of all ages. As a pet parent, keep an eye on your dog's peepers with this short guide to eye diseases in dogs.

Best Dog Food for Labs

If you’re unsure where to start when planning your pet's diet, you’re in the right place. We’ve laid out all the important aspects of the diet for Labrador Retrievers and selected the 10 best dog foods for Labs!

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Can dogs eat strawberries raw or cooked? Are there any benefits or risks? Strawberry dog treat recipes? Find out this and more in this all-in-one guide.

Indoor Dog Fitness Ideas To Keep Your Dog Moving This Winter

Don’t let winter curb your dog’s exercise – we’ve got some indoor activities to get you moving We all tend to hibernate in the winter…

How Many Times A Day Should I Feed My Dog?

If you've asked "How many times a day should I feed my dog," you're not alone. It can only be answered after looking at all the factors involved with diet.

5 Zen Ways To Manage Dog Stress

It may not seem like it, but a dog's life can be stressful. Your dog may not be able to take a "Mental Health Day," but there are ways to manage dog stress.

What is Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs?

There are different kinds of canine cancers - one of the most serious is Hemangiosarcoma in dogs. But what breeds does it affect and how can it be treated?

Understanding Lyme Disease Symptoms in Dogs

Ticks are harbingers of disease and illness. During tick season, be on the lookout for these Lyme Disease symptoms in dogs.

Best Bone Broths

Powdered or liquid, bone broths for dogs can be a healthy kibble topper alternative or a natural supplement for aging dogs – and to help you pick the right one for your pet, we’ve rounded up the best bone broths on the market right now.

6 Types of Urban Mushers You’ll Meet on the Trails

As a seasoned skijorer, Kevin Roberts has seen all kinds of people on the trails. You'll get a kick out of these sledding stereotypes!

6 Tips To Improve Your Dog’s Physical Fitness

Get moving with your pooch with these tips on fun and free physical activitiesRegular exercise is incredibly important for your own health and fitness, but it is also necessary for your pet. The more active your pet is, the healthier he is going to be. You don’t necessarily need to take your dog on a 5-mile run every day, but there are some simple ways you can improve your pet’s physical fitness – and your own! In this article you will receive 6 helpful tips to get your pet to be more active and to improve his health.

Dogs Panting: Why Does Your Pooch Do It?

Tongue hanging out; drool hitting the floor - they're the telltale signs of dogs panting. Your pooch does it when he's hot, as well as other reasons.

Dry Vs. Wet Dog Foods: Which Is The Right Choice? Part 2

Are you thinking about feeding your dog wet food? In the second part of her series, Sabine Contreras, Canine Care and Nutrition Consultant, takes a look at t…

Common Diseases Spread by Fleas and Ticks

When these pests leave their mark on your pet, it may Lyme disease, rabbit fever... even the plague! We've got fleas and ticks to thank for spreading them.

It’s All Greek Yogurt To Me Dog Treat Recipe

One of my favorite snacks is Greek yogurt. Smooth, creamy and rich, Greek yogurt is a taste of the Mediterranean you can enjoy in the middle of the day.

5 Fundamental Training Tips for Sport Dogs This Fall

Follow these five fundamental training tips to ensure you're making the most of autumn, and your team is in awesome shape for winter dog sports.

Treating Horse Fly Bites on Dogs

Shoo, horse fly - don't bother my dog! Horse fly bites can turn from a minor irritation to a pull-blown problem, so know how to treat them.

Does My Dog Need Vitamins And Supplements?

Navigating the optimal health and nutrition for your pooch can be frustrating – is she getting everything she needs in her diet? If you’re wonder…

7 Doggy Dangerous (and Surprising) Things That Contain Xylitol

When ingested, Xylitol can be deadly for dogs. But did you know that these common household items contain this toxic chemical?

Can Dogs Get Pink Eye?

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is one of the more common ailments that affects the eyes and can happen to any of us. But can it affect dogs as well?

How to Treat a Dog’s Dry Nose

We all know that a wet dog nose means a healthy pooch. But how do you treat a snout that's gone dry? Here are a few things you can try.

Keep Calm and Nom On: Calming Pet Foods and Treats

Dude, just chew and chill! If your pet is high strung, there are foods and treats that will help calm them down. Here are a few of our favorites.

Taking a Bite Out Of Gingivitis in Dogs

Did you know that most dogs will suffer from gum disease during their life? Here's how you can help stop gingivitis in dogs.

Pumpkin and Coconut Dog Treat Recipe

My dogs go nuts for coconut! If your dog does too, you should bake up these Pumpkin and Coconut Dog Treats.

6 Signs of Frostbite in Dogs

Extreme exposure to the elements can have severe effects on your pet: these are the most common signs of frostbite in dogs that require an urgent vet visit.

Are Dogs Colorblind?

We've all heard that dogs are colorblind, but is it true? Let's take a look at this popular belief, and if it really holds true.