Belgian Horse

The Belgian horse is beloved for its intelligence and willingness to please. This breed is also known for being docile, kind, quiet, and willing to please.

Hackney Horse

The Hackney horse enjoys being around handlers and being petted. When in motion, the Hackney Horse seems as though it's floating over the ground.

Missouri Fox Trotter

The Missouri Fox Trotter is known for its calm and gentle nature. This horse breed is docile and reliable, and it thoroughly enjoys being around people.

Rocky Mountain Horse

The Rocky Mountain horse is known for its gentle attitude. It has a natural ambling gait of four beats. It works well with riders of all experience levels.

Shetland Pony

The Shetland Pony is one of the most popular horse breeds, especially for children. It's gentle disposition makes it ideal for new riders.

Paso Fino Horse

The Paso Fino horse is known for its friendly, docile, and social personality. They are gentle horses that are easy to handle and train

French Trotter Horse

The French Trotter Horse is calm, gentle, submissive, and easy to train. It can trot almost as quickly as a Thoroughbred can gallop.

Westphalian Horse

The Westphalian Horse has a relaxed nature, making it easy to work with. These athletic, attractive, and strong horses are also known for their work ethic.

Oldenburg Horse

The Oldenburg horse displays an air of nobility, and have evolved into a popular sport breed. This breed is known for having a pleasant personality,

Dartmoor Pony

The Dartmoor Pony is a hardy and sure-footed horse. These ponies are wonderful companions, even-tempered, kind, and ideal for children.

American Quarter Horse

The American Quarter Horse is known for having a pleasant personality. These horses are are highly intelligent and willing to please.

Orlov Trotter

The quiet temperament of the Orlov Trotter makes it a wonderful companion, whether you need a work horse, a sport horse, or a riding horse.

Canadian Horse

The Canadian Horse is a beautiful, strong horse that is known for being spirited and full of energy, as well as powerful.