How Much Playtime Does My Cat Need?

Without adequate mental and physical stimulation, cats can become bored, stressed, and even develop behavioral issues. This is why playtime is not “just” a matter of playing for felines. It meets their most basic needs and it's an essential component of their overall well-being.

Best Dry Cat Food

Dry cat food has to be healthy and nutritious for your pet and tasty enough to make sure your kitty has an appetite for it.

Playtime Tips for Your Senior Cat

He may be getting on in years, but playtime is still important to your senior kitty. Keep these tips in mind when you’re playing around with your cat.…

Want to Save Lives of Orphaned Kittens? This Is How You Do It

ASPCA urges animal lovers to volunteer as feline foster parents during kitten season, and help save lives in nationwide #MeowForNow campaign.

Best Wall Perches for Cats

You’ve heard of window perches for cats, but have you thought about wall perches? These will mount securely to a wall in your home, giving your furry friend another place to call her own.

It’s National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week and the Drinks Are On!

There's a national day/week/month for everything these days, but we have to say we've found one of our favorites: National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week!

Top 4 Most Common Cat Allergies

Bless you, kitty! Cat allergies can mean more than sneezing and coughing. Here's what could be causing your feline's adverse reactions and what you can do.

Best GPS Cat Trackers and Collars

It’s a great idea to keep your kitties indoors, for several good reasons. But if you live in an area where it’s safe to let your cat spend some time outside, one way you can make sure she’ll stay safe and be easy to locate is by adding a GPS tracker to her collar. This type of product can also be useful if you let your feline friend explore your backyard while you supervise, in case she gets scared by something and runs off. And it’s also helpful if your pet has a tendency to run out the door even though she’s an indoor cat.

3 Awesome Reasons For Fostering Cats

Have you ever thought of fostering cats? There are so many reasons to do it and so many kitties out there in need. Here are our 3 favorite reasons!

Cat-astrophe: Common Bad Behavior Issues And How To Fix Them

Bad kitty! Unwanted habits can be tough to break, but here are a few ways you can correct your cat’s naughty ways. Even though every feline is unique,…

A Short Guide to Feline Eye Care

Keep your eyes on your cat's eye care - if you notice any of these symptoms in your feline's peepers, take your kitty to the vet.

Join The Cat Revolution And Get Involved On National Feral Cat Day

Friday, October 16 is National Feral Cat Day. Promoting the TNR program, learn how you can help control the feral cat population in your community.

Cat-Tastic Memo Pads Gets Two Paws Up

These adorable cat-inspired memo pads double as sticky notes and coloring pages. Now those boring work meeting don't seem that bad!

Top 5 Online Resources for Cat Owners

It's just a mouse click away! The Internet may be full of funny cat pictures, but it also has a wealth of online resources for cat owners.

Study Reveals That Cats Really Don’t Need Us

A recent study says that we need cats more than they need us (*Sniff!). Don't worry - at least our dogs will always turn to us for the basic necessities.

Purrfect Match: Study Reveals Cats and Their Owners Share Personality

Researchers confirmed that cats and their owners tend to have similar characters- and that pet parents are drawn to their furry kindred spirits.

Vital Vittles: The Benefits of Life Stage Diets for Cats

Bon appetite! From kitten to senior, and all stages in between, the right type of food ensures your cat gets all the nutrition he needs, when he needs it.

Cat Health: What Is Toxoplasmosis?

This problem isn't contained to the litter box. Toxoplasmosis can affect cats and humans - here's how to avoid infection.

Grumpy Cat’s Worst Ever Honor As She Tops Forbes Best Pet Influencer

Grumpy Cat may be best-known for her ever-grumpy pus, but now Forbes has recognized her as the Top Pet Influencer of 2017!

Best Probiotics for Cats

Probiotics for cats help maintain healthy gut flora and can support your pet's overall immune system, in addition to helping with a range of other issues.

Best Cat Blankets

If you’re a cat parent, you already know how much kitties love snuggling into a warm blanket. Most cats of all ages will gladly spend time on or under a blanket for warmth, security, and comfort. That’s why there are a lot of cat blankets available these days. These products are designed for pet parents who want to give their feline companions their own soft blanket to use daily. And they can be a great way to enrich your pet’s environment while keeping your furniture in good condition.

Top 10 Human Foods Poisonous to Cats

It may smell good to your kitty, but it may be dangerous for her to eat. Be sure to keep your cat away from these poisonous foods.

Best Feather Toys for Cats

When you shop for toys for cats, you’ll come across a variety of products that can encourage your pet to stay active through play. Feather toys are easy to find, and they can be a fun way to interact with your pet and give her the attention that she craves.

Hilarious Tutorial on How To Put on a Jumper (Without Disturbing Your

How To Put On A Jumper (Without Disturbing Your Cat) is a two minute tutorial demonstrating how to put on a sweater while your cat sits on your shoulders.

Best Cat Food for Urinary Health

Cat food for urinary health contains everything a feline needs to have a perfect urine pH value, and, in turn, a reduced chance of urinary tract issues.

Living the Full-Time RV Life With Cats

Have cat, will travel. Imagine living full-time on the road in an RV with your cats. We talked to a couple that's taking their kitties on a wonderful adventure.

Best Catnip Toys

Cats love toys and they love catnip. Put the two together and you've got one happy kitty! Here's our list of the best catnip toys.�

A Brief Guide to Feline Calicivirus

Have you ever heard of Feline Calicivirus? Known as FCV, this disease affects a cat's respiratory system and can be dangerous.

Fill Your Cat’s Stocking With Temptations Treats

Ho, ho, ho – holidays are here! As a loving pet parent, you’re probably already planning what presents to buy and what to stuff in your pet’s stocking – they’re a part of the family, too, so they deserve nothing less than to be a part of the holiday cheer and spirit of giving.

Stray Kitten Makes News By Crashing Live Report [Video]

This just in: an adorable kitten decides that the news is boring. Her solution: walk through a reporter's live newscast and become the news.

Michigan Town Elects Sweet Tart The Cat To Run Kitty Hall

A small northern Michigan town has decided that they’ve had enough with the human politicians and are letting cats, dogs, goats and even chickens have…

How to Make Moving Easy on Your Cat

It's time to get your move on. Before you pack up your belongings and leave your old home behind, make the move easier on your cat with these tips.

Best Cat Flea Collars

When it comes to fleas, you want to keep them in their place - and off your kitty and home! For control you can count on, check out our list of the best cat flea collars.�

Should You Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet?

Scooping your cat’s litter box every day is no fun, and you might’ve thought about how easy it would be to have your pet use the toilet instead.

How to Tell If Your Cat Has an Ear Problem

If your cat's been scratching at her ears, she may be trying to tell you something. Watch for these symptoms of ear infections.

3 Of The Most Innovative Litter Boxes We’ve Seen

There's more to kitty litter than just a regular old plastic box. If your cat is high tech, check out these cool kitty litter boxes.

Why Do Cats Knead?

She won't lie down until the blanket or her bed is just right! What are their actual intentions? Have you ever wondered: why do cats kneed?

Man Builds Amazing Cat Creations From Cardboard

There are few lengths most pet owners would go to in order to make their pets. One man hits that out of the park with creative cat houses made of cardboard.

Yoga and Cats: The Benefits of Asana With Kitties

While you're doing the downward dog pose, does your cat ever join you? Here's why you should let your kitty join you for yoga.

Help Celebrate National #FeralCatDay On October 16 With Jackson Galaxy

We can probably all agree on the importance of spaying and neutering our pets, but what about the ones that don’t have a home? October 16 is National F…

Tulsa Cat Brings In Cash For Local Homeless

A rescue cat in Oklahoma is giving his fellow homeless (humans) a helping paw by raising money being the most adorable kitteh ever.

How to Control Your Cat’s Shedding

Even though it's normal for cats to shed, excessive shedding could indicate a health problem or high levels of stress. And shedding can get out of control.

How to Stop a Greedy Cat From Scarfing Down Food

One of the most annoying things about cats has to be cat puke! Here's how a common household item can help your cat slow down when it comes to eating.

Cats Break The Internet With Kittenish – A Book Of Naked Selfies!

Kim Kardashian has nothing on these adorable (and self-absorbed) cats – and this new coffee book of cat selfies is going to prove it! Do you ever wonde…

Cat Gagging: Why Does It Happen

What causes cat gagging? Is there anything you can do to prevent or help it? Let’s talk all about cat gagging and shy it happens. Gagging is something…

Study: Cats’ Personalities May Be Mirrors Of Their Human Parents’

Pets are family, so it stands to reason our furry family members are a lot like us, right? A new study from the United Kingdom suggests that’s true for…

How To Bond With Your New Senior Cat

Many things get better with age - including your cat! If you're thinking of adopting an senior cat, we've got a few tips that will help you bond.

Former Shelter Cat Has New Owner Climbing Up Cliffs!

Who needs a bucket list when your life is an adventure? One rock-climbing, former shelter cat proves that the furriest of creatures can live life large!

Siberian Crazy Cat Farm Boasts a Million Feline Residents

Not sure what to get your crazy cat neighbor for the holidays? How about a trip to "Catland," a farm in Siberia that about million cats call home!

Cat Remake of “Home Alone” is a Weird Holiday Classic [Video]

In the weirdest remake of the popular holiday movie Home Alone, a cat bests a couple of cat burglars when his owner accidentally leaves him behind.

4 Purrfect Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Cat

When you are ready to add a feline to your family, consider adoption. Need a good reason to adopt a shelter cat? We'll give you four!

Adorable Kitten Tries To Teach Old Dogs Some New Tricks

So much squee! A group of senior Chihuahuas has adopted a kitten into their motley crew, and we can not handle the cuteness!

10 Pussy Prezzies for Pop This Father’s Day

Grab 'em by the pussies... HEY, we're talking about pussy presents that are perfect to give to your pop on Father's Day. Nasty, nasty thoughts!

Purr-fect Guide to the Sounds Your Cat Makes

Purr, meow, hiss, yowl - you can understand what your kitty is trying to tell you. Here's our guide to interpreting the sounds your cat makes.

How To Administer Medications To Your Cat

Have you ever tried to give a cat medicine? Here’s how to do it safely and effectively. No one ever said that giving a cat medication would be easy, bu…

Injectable Antibiotics for Cats: Pros and Cons

If you cat is sick, you may be told that you should give her an injectable antibiotic. But is it safe? Here's what you need to know.

5 Ways To Go Green With Your Cat

Purrr-fect ways you and your cat can be eco-friendly You recycle, buy organic, and use eco-friendly green products for yourself, so why not make similar choi…

7 Common Cat Health Problems

Even healthy cats can come down with an illness. These are the most common cat health problems pet parents should know about.

5 Helpful Cat Training Tips To Control Your Frisky Feline

Dogs aren't the only pets that benefit from training. Cat training is possible - we've put together 5 helpful hints to teach your kitty a few new tricks!

International Cat Association Adds Lykoi Breed to Its Roster

The International Cat Association has announced they've recognized a new breed, the Lykoi cat, and they're definitely crying, "Wolf!"